St. Johns County, FL Uses OffenderWatch Mobile to Verify Addresses During Pandemic

The St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office sex offender registration office was determined a critical function and has remained staffed with its regular schedule during the Coronavirus pandemic and shutdowns. To reduce traffic in the office, the department has encouraged their registered sex offenders to use an online portal to report updates to certain types of information.“Our agency administrators and registration office personnel use OffenderWatch to manage our offenders,” said Cpl Jeremy Goldman of the office’s Special Victims Unit. “Deputies and detectives use OffenderWatch Mobile to view and perform address verifications on our offenders. This past week, we used OffenderWatch Mobile in an operation to verify the addresses of 188 offenders in a four-day period. Our agency website also contains the OffenderWatch search and information features.As a result of the operation, we’ve opened one criminal investigation and will be following up with a couple of offenders to better review compliance,” Goldman said.OffenderWatch Mobile is an easy-to-use app for accessing and updating offender records from a smart phone or tablet. Any changes made on the mobile app are immediately transferred to the “master” record historical log, eliminating clerical efforts and building a chronological case of door-to-door address verifications.Contact OffenderWatch to learn more about how Mobile can help your office.
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