affordable SOR management tools

OffenderWatch® Premier

OffenderWatch® Premier provides a powerful suite of technological resources to help your agency effectively monitor registered offenders, update the public, and maintain compliance at every level.

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sor mANAGEMENT for the 21st century

What Is OffenderWatch® Premier?

OffenderWatch® Premier is the first full-spectrum software application in a suite of the most groundbreaking and comprehensive sex offender registry monitoring resources available today. With OffenderWatch® Premier, law enforcement agencies throughout the country and the world can access the tools they need to effectively register and monitor sex offenders, provide accurate status updates and alerts to the public, collaborate seamlessly across jurisdictional, and maintain compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal statutes––saving significant time, money, and resources in the process.

unparalleled sor management applications

Why Choose OffenderWatch® Premier?

Improved Compliance

OffenderWatch® automates numerous offender registration, verification, and notification processes to ensure better submission success rates, reduce manual verifications, simplify audit processes, and avoid statutory violations or agency sanctions.

Streamlined Workflows

Because OffenderWatch® is a secure, cloud-based sex offender monitoring, community notification, and geographical information system, all offender records, associated images, and related files are easily searchable, mappable, exportable, and printable.

Enhanced Public Safety

OffenderWatch® Premier helps your agency bolster trust within the community by providing accurate, up-to-the-minute public notifications through USPS postcards and other resources white-labeled for your agency, including a searchable web portal, built-in neighborhood maps, and automated email distribution.

Exceptional Connectivity

OffenderWatch® Premier syncs in real time with NCIC, Exchange Portal, NSOPW, the US Marshals Service, as well as many other state systems, to link your agency to the most comprehensive sex offender database in the country.

Greater Efficiency

OffenderWatch® Premier demands less of an agency’s resources and personnel than traditional, paper-based record keeping.

Modernized Investigation

OffenderWatch® maintains an easy-to-view historical account of which agencies have supervised the offender and a complete record of all the data collected, while facilitating simplified communication and collaboration among federal, state, and local agencies.

State-of-the-Art Automation

Real-time database updates occur automatically as records are changed, triggering instant alerts to notify your agency anytime a registered offender relocates across jurisdictions, is incarcerated or released from custody, or is classified as an absconder.

Robust Security

OffenderWatch® utilizes National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (Nlets) hosting services to ensure that your data is stored within a facility that maintains full Criminal Justice Information Systems compliance, and ensures that our software applications conform to SSAE 16 and SOC 2 protocols to further safeguard the integrity of your records.

United States map of OffenderWatch® reach


The OffenderWatch® Network

More than 4,000 local, tribal, state, and federal agencies entrust their sex offender information to OffenderWatch®. Reach out to our team to discover how you can be an advocate to ensure all the children in your jurisdiction are protected by the nation’s most comprehensive and reliable SOR management software.

OffenderWatch® Premier and OffenderWatch® Premier Plus

Choose Your Ideal Software Solution

OffenderWatch Premier

Both the OffenderWatch® Premier and OffenderWatch® Premier Plus software suites include innovative registry management and community notification tools, time-saving tools, and customer success tools to make SOR management more accurate, automated, and streamlined for law enforcement over any jurisdiction, even those agencies operating on a limited budget. OffenderWatch® Premier users can benefit from agency-branded public resources, superior customer support, and innovative software modules to elevate your operational processes.

OffenderWatch® Mobile Ops allows users to access and update offender records from any smartphone or tablet without installing a separate app. User activity is automatically recorded, including geo-code location, date, time, and duration, and any comments, notes, photos, or records updates from OffenderWatch® Mobile Ops are instantly transferred to the primary record. Agents can be assigned to complete verifications according to geographic areas or other criteria, and map pins can be dropped in any location to facilitate better tracking of unhoused offenders.

OffenderWatch® Booking Alerts helps your agency maintain the most current status information on known registered sex offenders, as well as avoid wasting resources on wanted individuals who have already been remanded to the custody of law enforcement in a separate jurisdiction. Once activated, OffenderWatch® Booking Alerts monitors your registry's database daily and immediately notifies your designated SORT officer if one of your registered offenders is incarcerated or released from jail anywhere in the U.S.

Cops hanging together

OffenderWatch® Express Check-In is a self-service solution that expedites re-registration processes for law enforcement agents and offenders to save time and minimize the need for direct intervention. Offenders can update address records and complete re-registration tasks online for greater ease and convenience. Agencies can set re-registration requirements on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis as needed, and can review and approve changes upon receipt of automated alerts issued whenever an offender amends a record.

OffenderWatch® Premier
OffenderWatch® Premier
OffenderWatch® Premier Plus
OffenderWatch® Premier Plus
Registry Management & Community Notification Tools
OffenderWatch® Enterprise License
OffenderWatch® Mobile Ops App
Agency Branded Portal Page
Agency Branded Email Notification
Agency Branded Family Safety App
Time-Saving Tools
OffenderWatch® Booking Alerts
OffenderWatch® Express Check-in
OffenderWatch® Active Contact Reminders
Customer Success Tools
Help Desk Support
Live Online Training
Family Safety App Media Kit for PIO
Built-in Knowledge Base and Trouble Tickets
Secure Hosting, Software Maintenance, and Updates
Assigned Customer Success Manager
Annual Assessment
Disaster Prep Template & Training
Training Credit

see OffenderWatch® in action

Request A Product Demonstration

Contact to learn more about how OffenderWatch® applications address the broad spectrum of individual and statutory requirements to provide software solutions that ensure compliance and save time, money, and hassle for your agency.

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