Digital Safety After the Holidays

December 29, 2021
Family Safety Tips

 Now that the presents have been opened, and your kids have new electronic devices, here are a few tips to make sure they remain safe online with their new digital toys.Safety tips for electronic devices:

  1. Know your kid’s passwords. These devices are a big responsibility that they aren’t ready to face alone. Parental supervision is necessary to guide them in their online activity.
  2. Set boundaries. Maintain a good balance by setting limits on screen time. Set digital curfews when everyone in the home must disconnect from electronic devices.
  3. Talk with your kids about possible negative experiences online. If your kids know ahead of time what signs to watch for when surfing the internet, playing on apps, or chatting online. If someone online makes them feel uncomfortable or is acting strange, let them know they can bring it to your attention so you can handle it together.
  4. Look for these dangerous apps. Some apps may appear safe or say they are age appropriate, but these apps are a playground for predators. Know the ins and outs of popular apps that could be dangerous. Click here for a list of apps you should know.
  5. Plan some non-tech activities. These electronic devices provide hours of fun, but balance screen time with real life. Plan some non-tech activities like board games, charades, arts and crafts and family outing.
  6. You can also download the family safety OffenderWatch App to monitor your kid's phone and alert you if a registered sex offender contacts them through call, email, or text. 

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