Total Cost of Ownership of Cloud v. On-Premise Software for Law Enforcement Agencies

Cloud computing and cloud-based solutionshavebecome increasingly popularfor law enforcement agencies. Should your agencyconsiderSoftware-as-a-Service(SaaS)?Many agenciescalculatethe total cost of ownership (TCO), not just the initial expense, when deciding between an on-premise or cloud-based software solution. TCOconsiders both direct and indirect costs associated with a purchase over the course of the full lifespan of the purchase.Your TCO calculation should include fixed indirect costs like administration and personnel costs,as well asrecurring indirect costssuch as subscription and maintenance fees.InperformingaTCO comparison between on-premise and cloud-basedsoftware,mostagenciessoon realize there is ahuge cost savingsincloud-based solutions for public safety agencies.
Software License & Subscription
Cloud-based SoftwareOn-Premise Systems
- Licensed as a “pay as you go” subscription.
- Low initial set-up fee.
- Recurring subscription payments.
- Requires a large upfront purchase of a software license and annual maintenance fees.
System Hardware
Cloud-based SoftwareOn-Premise Systems
- No physical hardware to purchase or maintain.
- No storage or operational costs.
- Server capacity, data compliance, and security are included.
- Significant upfront costs for hardware purchases.
- Requires regular maintenance and other operational costs.
- The agency is responsible for storing, securing, powering, and maintaining their system, and ensuring compliance with data storage requirements.
Hardware and Software Installation
Cloud-based SoftwareOn-Premise Systems
- Accessed from any internet-connected device.
- No need to install physical hardware.
- Requires the purchase of hardware, associated equipment and related vendor professional services.
- Agency must provide secure facilities with physical storage space, reliable power/AC systems, and redundant network access.
- Software must be installed on-site directly on agency hardware.
Software Upgrades & Updates
Cloud-based SoftwareOn-Premise Systems
- Shorter, more frequent upgrade cycles.
- No downtime during updates so your applications are available on a constant, reliable basis.
- Software upgrades are usually expensive, irregularly timed, interrupt on-going work and are time-consuming to roll out.
- Agencies often skip scheduled upgrades, leading to increased vulnerability to cyber-attack.
Cloud-based SoftwareOn-Premise Systems
- Scalable and “Future-proof” to handle increasing demands of the agency.
- Additional storage capacity is included in your subscription cost or available for an additional fee.
- Systems hardware requires periodic upgrades to meet expanding demands for increased speed and storage capacity.
Cloud-based SoftwareOn-Premise Systems
- Security updates and upgrades for systems are kept up to date.
- CJIS facilities and Security certifications and protections are available.
- All security measures are the responsibility of and must be performed entirely by the agency.
- Keeping up to date with security checks is costly and time consuming for IT staff.
- Security certifications and facility audits may be too expensive and time-consuming for individual agencies.
Evaluate vendors based on their success in providing software services of similar size and function.Choosing an experiencedsoftware-as-a-serviceproviderhelps ensurethe success of your projectby lowering technical, cost, and schedule risks.The selected vendor should beattuned to the special needs oflaw enforcement agenciesandthe impact on public safety.A complete solution includesongoing user trainingto agency staffand support forsoftware functionalchanges as a result of changes to statutes and agency policies.
TheOffenderWatchsex offender registryproducthas been provided as asoftware-as-a-service (SaaS)solutionfor law enforcementsince 2001.An annual subscription enablesagencies to adoptthe latesttechnologywhileminimizingoperating expenses.Our law enforcement partners enjoyed online maps before Google Mapswas available,andOffenderWatchpioneered email notifications from law enforcement to the public. Over 20 yearsOffenderWatchhas successfully scaled to support over 15,000 users from 3,400 law enforcement agencies in 38 states. TodayOffenderWatchis expanding internationally and introducing new smart phone apps and artificial intelligence technologies to our public safety partners.
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